Buy September 2022



In this issue: 

The September 2022 issue of Locus magazine has interviews with Zoraida Córdova and Grady Hendrix. The issue lists US and UK forthcoming books through June 2023. News covers the PRH and S&S Merger Trial, the attack on Salman Rushdie, the Imaginales Festival Controversy,  the Mythopoeic Awards winners, Scribe Awards winners and much more. This month’s commentary by Cory Doctorow is entitled Moneylike. Photo stories cover SF in SF and Charm City Spec, along with this summer’s workshops. Nichelle Nichols, Alexei Panshin, Robert "Bob" Self, Wayne McCalla, and Roland J. Green are remembered with obituaries. Reviews include new titles by Lavie Tidhar, Stephanie Feldman, John Clute, Brian Attebery, Naseem Jamnia, J.M. Miro, Ling Ma, Robert McGill, Robert Freeman Wexler, Neon Yang, Claire G. Coleman, Craig Laurance Gidney, Kathe Koja, Monique Roffey, Emma Seckel, Melissa Albert, Kate Alice Marshall, Fonda Lee, Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam, Tara Sim, and many others.


Table of Contents: 

September 2022 • Issue 740 • Vol. 89 • No. 3 
55th Year of Publication • 30-Time Hugo Winner 
Cover and interview art and design by Stephen H. Segal 

Zoraida Córdova: Magic and Meaning / 8 
Grady Hendrix: Charm and Consequences / 22

PRH and S&S Merger Trial • Salman Rushdie Stabbed • Imaginales Festival Controversy • Aurora Awards Winners

Tom Doherty Associates Renamed • Ring of Fire Press to Close • Workshop News • Conventions News • Daily Science Fiction Hiatus • Dragon Awards Ballot • WSFA Small Press Award Finalists • Le Guin Prize for Fiction Shortlist • Mythopoeic Awards Winners • British Fantasy Awards Shortlist • Scribe Awards Winners • World Conventions News • Announcements • Awards News • Financial News • International Rights • Audio Rights

Notes on milestones, awards, books sold, etc., with news this issue about Wendy N. WagnerIdza LuhumyoMargaret AtwoodElizabeth HandRachel Linden, and many others

Commentary by Cory Doctorow: Moneylike / 37 Photo Story: SF in SF / 57 Photo Story: Charm City Spec / 59 Summer Workshops / 60 


Magazines Received: July / 38 Books Received: July / 39 Bestsellers / 50 New & Notable / 51 

Nichelle Nichols 
• Alexei Panshin • Robert ‘‘Bob’’ Self • Wayne McCalla • Appreciation by Donald Maitz • DEATH NOTED: Roland J. Green 


Fundraising • Forthcoming Books • This Issue/Next Issue


Short Fiction Reviews by Karen Burnham / 11
Lackington’s Spring ’22; Analog 7-8/22; Clarkesworld 7/22; Kalicalypse: Subcontinental Science Fiction, Tarun K. Saint, Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay & Francesco Verso, eds.

Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur / 12 
TrespassDecoded Pride 6/22; Cast of Wonders 6/18/22; Escape Pod 6/23/22; Strange Horizons 6/9/22, 6/13/22, 6/20/22, 6/27/22, 7/4/22, 7/11/22; Beneath Ceaseless Skies 6/30/22, 7/14/22; Diabolical Plots 7/22; Flash Fiction Online 7/22; Kaleidotrope 7/22; Fiyah 7/22; Fireside 7/22; GigaNotoSaurus 7/22.

Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe / 14
, Lavie Tidhar; Saturnalia, Stephanie Feldman; Sticking to the End, John Clute; Fantasy: How It Works, Brian Attebery.

Reviews by Alex Brown / 16
The Bruising of Qilwa
, Naseem Jamnia; Ordinary Monsters, J.M. Miro.

Reviews by Ian Mond / 17 
Bliss Montage, Ling Ma; A Suitable Companion for the End of Your Life, Robert McGill; The Silverberg Business, Robert Freeman Wexler.

Reviews by Alexandra Pierce / 18
The Genesis of Misery
, Neon Yang; Enclave, Claire G. Coleman.

Reviews by Gabino Iglesias / 19
The Nectar of Nightmares
, Craig Laurance Gidney; Dark Factory, Kathe Koja; The Mermaid of Black Conch, Monique Roffey.

Reviews by Colleen Mondor / 20
The Wild Hunt, Emma Seckel; Our Crooked Hearts, Melissa Albert; These Fleeting Shadows, Kate Alice Marshall.

Reviews by Divers Hands: Nadia Elbaar, Paula Guran, Maya C. James / 21
The Jade Setter of Janloon
, Fonda Lee; Where You Linger, Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam; The City of Dusk, Tara Sim.

Terry Bisson: This Month in History / 13, 15, 19, 21 

Magazines reviews in this issue (indicating reviewer)—

Lackington’s Spring ’22 (Karen Burnham)
Analog 7-8/22 (Karen Burnham)
Clarkesworld 7/22 (Karen Burnham)
Kalicalypse: Subcontinental Science Fiction, Tarun K. Saint, Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay & Francesco Verso, eds. (Karen Burnham)
Trespass (Charles Payseur)
Decoded Pride 6/22 (Charles Payseur)
Cast of Wonders 6/18/22 (Charles Payseur)
Escape Pod 6/23/22 (Charles Payseur)
Strange Horizons 6/9/22, 6/13/22, 6/20/22, 6/27/22, 7/4/22, 7/11/22 (Charles Payseur)
Beneath Ceaseless Skies 6/30/22, 7/14/22 (Charles Payseur)
Diabolical Plots 7/22 (Charles Payseur)
Flash Fiction Online 7/22 (Charles Payseur)
Kaleidotrope 7/22 (Charles Payseur)
Fiyah 7/22 (Charles Payseur)
Fireside 7/22 (Charles Payseur)
GigaNotoSaurus 7/22 (Charles Payseur)

Books reviews in this issue (indicating reviewer)—

Albert, Melissa • Our Crooked Hearts (Colleen Mondor)
Attebery, Brian • Fantasy: How It Works (Gary K. Wolfe)
Clute, John • Sticking to the End (Gary K. Wolfe)
Coleman, Claire G. • Enclave (Alexandra Pierce)
Feldman, Stephanie • Saturnalia (Gary K. Wolfe)
Gidney, Craig Laurance • The Nectar of Nightmares (Gabino Iglesias)
Jamnia, Naseem • The Bruising of Qilwa (Alex Brown)
Koja, Kathe • Dark Factory (Gabino Iglesias)
Lee, Fonda • The Jade Setter of Janloon (Nadia Elbaar)
Ma, Ling • Bliss Montage (Ian Mond)
Marshall, Kate Alice • These Fleeting Shadows (Colleen Mondor)
McGill, Robert • A Suitable Companion for the End of Your Life (Ian Mond)
Miro, J. M. • Ordinary Monsters (Alex Brown)
Roffey, Monique • The Mermaid of Black Conch (Gabino Iglesias)
Saint, Tarun K., & Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay, eds. • Kalicalypse: Subcontinental Science Fiction (Karen Burnham)
Seckel, Emma • The Wild Hunt (Colleen Mondor)
Sim, Tara • The City of Dusk (Maya C. James)
Stufflebeam, Bonnie Jo • Where You Linger and Other Stories (Paula Guran)
Tidhar, Lavie • Neom (Gary K. Wolfe)
Wexler, Robert Freeman • The Silverberg Business (Ian Mond)
Yang, Neon • The Genesis of Misery (Alexandra Pierce)