Buy October 2010






In This Issue: 

The October 2010 issue of Locus Magazine features --

  • Roundtable on Pulp Fiction, with Robert Silverberg, Richard A. Lupoff, and Frank M. Robinson 
  • An interview with author Barry N. Malzberg 
  • Complete reports on this year's Hugo Awards Winners, including voting statistics 
  • A report from this year's Writers and Illustrators of the Future Awards Ceremony 
  • Bibliographic listings of the month's New Books and Magazines published in the US and UK 
  • Short fiction reviews by Gardner Dozois and Rich Horton, plus reviews by Gary K. Wolfe, Faren Miller, Russell Letson, Adrienne Martini, Carolyn Cushman, Karen Haber, and others of books by Ted ChiangMichael MoorcockFelix GilmanLois McMaster BujoldCharles Vess, and others 
  • Graham Sleight's "Yesterday's Tomorrows" column, on Harry Harrison


T a b l e   o f   C o n t e n t s

October 2010 • Issue 597 • Vol. 65 No. 4
43rd Year of Publication • 29-Time Hugo Winner
Cover and Interview Design by Arnie Fenner


Pulp Fiction: A Roundtable Discussion with Robert Silverberg, Richard A. Lupoff, and Frank M. Robinson / 6
Barry N. Malzberg: A Measure of Peace / 68

2 0 1 0    H U G O    A W A R D S 

2010 Hugo Awards Winners / 5 2010 Hugo Awards Ceremony / 5 Complete 2010 Hugo Voting / 32

P E O P L E   &   P U B L I S H I N G / 8

Notes on milestones, awards, books sold, etc., with news this issue about Jay LakeA.S. ByattGene WolfeGreg Bear & Neal StephensonWilliam S. BurroughsJane YolenStephen KingNeil Gaiman, and many others

M A I N    S T O R I E S / 11

Aussiecon 4 • 2010 British Fantasy Awards • Eos becomes Harper Voyager • 2010 (Emperor) Norton Awards & Tachyon's 15th Anniversary

T H E    D A T A    F I L E / 13

Macmillian Embraces POD • Random House and Wylie Make Peace • Barnes and Noble Battle Goes On • Google’s Net Neutrality Reversal • Patterson Ousts Rowling • Strock Buys Fantastic Books • UK Authors Petition for PLR • Big Bucks for Pulp Art • Clarion News • Worldcons News • Awards News • Publishing News • Online News • Announcements • Financial News • International Rights

C O N V E N T I O N S / 38

2010 Writers and Illustrators of the Future


Magazines Received: August / 42    Books Received: August / 43    
British Books Received: July / 56    Bestsellers / 58

I N T E R N A T I O N A L    R E P O R T    F R O M    S P A I N / 65

Semana Negra by Gay Haldeman

O B I T U A R I E S / 66

E.C. Tubb • Appreciation by Philip Harbottle • Larry Ashmead

L O C U S    L E T T E R S / 66

Mort Castle • Stephen Jones

E D I T O R I A L    M A T T E R S / 67

Australia & Aussiecon 4 • Hugos • Home Again • This Issue/Next Issue


L O C U S    L O O K S    A T    B O O K S

Gardnerspace: Short Fiction Column by Gardner Dozois / 14

F&SF 9-10/10; Asimov’s 8/10; Asimov’s 9/10; Interzone 228. 

Short Fiction Reviews by Richard Horton / 15

The Lifecycle of Software Objects, Ted Chiang; Cloud Permutations, Lavie Tidhar; The Baby Killers, Jay Lake; Fantasy Magazine 10/10; Lightspeed 9/10; Apex 8/10; F&SF 9-10/10; Sybil’s Garage #7; Albedo One #38; Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #43; Subterranean Summer ’10; Stories, Neil Gaiman & Al Sarrantonio, eds.

Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe / 16

The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction, Arthur B. Evans, et al., eds.; Into the Media Web: Selected Short Non-Fiction, 1956-2006, Michael Moorcock; SHORT TAKE: The Wonderful Future that Never Was, Gregory Benford and the editors of Popular Mechanics.

Reviews by Faren Miller / 18

The Half-Made World, Felix Gilman; The Last Page, Anthony Huso; I Shall Wear Midnight, Terry Pratchett; A Cup of Normal, Devon Monk; SHORT TAKES: Blameless, Gail Carriger; Antiphon, Ken Scholes. 

Reviews by Russell Letson / 21

Robert A. Heinlein: In Dialogue with His Century: Volume 1, 1907-1948: Learning Curve, William H. Patterson, Jr. 

Reviews by Adrienne Martini / 23

Blue and Gold, K.J. Parker; The Third Bear, Jeff VanderMeer; Kill the Dead, Richard Kadrey; Lady Lazarus, Michele Lang.

Short Reviews by Carolyn Cushman / 25

Bayou Moon, Ilona Andrews; Cryoburn, Lois McMaster Bujold; Mockingjay, Suzanne Collins; Omnitopia Dawn, Diane Duane; The Sleeping Beauty, Mercedes Lackey; An Artificial Night, Seanan McGuire; Cast in Chaos, Michelle Sagara; Coronets and Steel, Sherwood Smith. 

Reviews by Divers Hands: Stefan Dziemianowicz, Amelia Beamer, & Heather Shaw / 27

Clowns at Midnight, Terry Dowling; The Zombies of Lake Woebegotten, Harrison Geillor, The Very Best of Charles de Lint, Charles de Lint.

Yesterday's Tomorrows: Graham Sleight / 29

Make Room! Make Room!, Harry Harrison; The Adventures of the Stainless Steel Rat, Harry Harrison; Deathworld, Harry Harrison; Deathworld 2, Harry Harrison; Deathworld 3, Harry Harrison; West of Eden, Harry Harrison.

Locus Looks at Art Books: Reviews by Karen Haber / 30

Drawing Down the Moon: The Art of Charles Vess, Charles Vess; Knowing Darkness: Artists Inspired by Stephen King, George Beahm; Gahan Wilson: 50 Years of Playboy Cartoons, Gahan Wilson; SHORT TAKES: The Sandman: The Dream Hunters, Neil Gaiman & P. Craig Russell; Visions of Never: The Collection of Fantastic Art, Patrick & Jeannie Wilshire, eds.; The Little Sisters of Eluria, Stephen King, Michael Whelan, illus.

Terry Bisson: This Month in History / 15, 17, 21, 23


Magazine Issues reviewed in this issue (indicating reviewer) — 

Albedo One #38 2010 (Rich Horton) 
Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #45 2010 (Rich Horton) 
Apex Magazine August 2010 (Rich Horton) 
Asimov's August 2010 (Gardner Dozois) 
Asimov's September 2010 (Gardner Dozois) 
F&SF Sept/Oct 2010 (Gardner Dozois) 
F&SF Sept/Oct 2010 (Rich Horton) 
Fantasy Magazine October 2010 (Rich Horton) 
Interzone May-June 2010 (Gardner Dozois) 
Lightspeed September 2010 (Rich Horton) 
Subterranean Summer 2010 (Rich Horton) 
Sybil's Garage 2010 (Rich Horton) 

Books reviewed in this issue, listed by author (indicating reviewer) — 

Andrews, Ilona • Bayou Moon (Carolyn Cushman) 
Beahm, George • Knowing Darkness: Artists Inspired by Stephen King (Karen Haber) 
Benford, Gregory, & editors of Popular Mechanics, eds. • The Wonderful Future that Never Was (Gary K. Wolfe) 
Bujold, Lois McMaster • CryoBurn (Carolyn Cushman) 
Carriger, Gail • Blameless (Faren Miller) 
Chiang, Ted • The Lifecycle of Software Objects (Rich Horton) 
Collins, Suzanne • Mockingjay (Carolyn Cushman) 
de Lint, Charles • The Very Best of Charles de Lint (Heather Shaw) 
Dowling, Terry • Clowns at Midnight (Stefan Dziemianowicz) 
Duane, Diane • Omnitopia Dawn (Carolyn Cushman) 
Evans, Arthur B., & Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr., eds. • The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction (Gary K. Wolfe) 
Gaiman, Neil, & Al Sarrantonio, eds. • Stories: All-New Tales (Rich Horton) 
Gaiman, Neil, & P. Craig Russell • The Sandman: The Dream Hunters (Karen Haber) 
Geillor, Harrison • The Zombies of Lake Woebegotten (Amelia Beamer) 
Gilman, Felix • The Half-Made World (Faren Miller) 
Harrison, Harry • The Adventures of the Stainless Steel Rat (Graham Sleight) 
Harrison, Harry • Deathworld (Graham Sleight) 
Harrison, Harry • Deathworld 2 (Graham Sleight) 
Harrison, Harry • Deathworld 3 (Graham Sleight) 
Harrison, Harry • Make Room! Make Room! (Graham Sleight) 
Harrison, Harry • West of Eden (Graham Sleight) 
Huso, Anthony • The Last Page (Faren Miller) 
Kadrey, Richard • Kill the Dead (Adrienne Martini) 
King, Stephen • The Little Sisters of Eluria (Karen Haber) 
Lackey, Mercedes • The Sleeping Beauty (Carolyn Cushman) 
Lake, Jay • The Baby Killers (Rich Horton) 
Lang, Michele • Lady Lazarus (Adrienne Martini) 
McGuire, Seanan • An Artificial Night (Carolyn Cushman) 
Monk, Devon • A Cup of Normal (Faren Miller) 
Moorcock, Michael • Into the Media Web: Selected Short Non-Fiction, 1956-2006 (Gary K. Wolfe) 
Parker, K. J. • Blue and Gold (Adrienne Martini) 
Patterson, William H., Jr. • Robert A. Heinlein: In Dialogue with His Century (Russell Letson) 
Pratchett, Terry • I Shall Wear Midnight (Faren Miller) 
Sagara, Michelle • Cast in Chaos (Carolyn Cushman) 
Scholes, Ken • Antiphon (Faren Miller) 
Smith, Sherwood • Coronets and Steel (Carolyn Cushman) 
Tidhar, Lavie • Cloud Permutations (Rich Horton) 
VanderMeer, Jeff • The Third Bear (Adrienne Martini) 
Vess, Charles • Drawing Down the Moon: The Art of Charles Vess (Karen Haber) 
Wilshire, Patrick, & Jeannie Wilshire, eds. • Visions of Never (Karen Haber) 
Wilson, Gahan • Gahan Wilson: 50 Years of Playboy Cartoons (Karen Haber)