Buy January 2023



In this issue: 

The January 2023 issue of Locus magazine has interviews with Annalee Newitz and Alex Jennings and spotlights on author adrienne maree brown and the Portolan Project. Greg Bear (1951-2022) is remembered with an obituary and appreciations. News covers the fallout from the antitrust ruling preventing the proposed Penguin Random House and Simon & Schuster merger, Kindle's magazine shutdown, a HarperCollins strike update, the 2022 #BlackSpecFic report, and much more. People and publishing covers news this issue about Robin McKinley, Ruoxi Chen, James Patterson & Michael Crichton, Brandon Sanderson, Diana M. Pho, and many others. Cory Doctorow's column is entitled "Social Quitting", and there is an article on Italian Speculative Fiction in Translation by Rachel S. Cordasco. Other obituaries remember Anne Harris and Marcus Sedgwick. Reviews cover new titles by Annalee Newitz, Aliette de Bodard, Jane Yolen, Ray Bradbury, Rebecca Roanhorse, Nikki Erlick, Grady Hendrix, Adam Soto, Dario Floreano & Nicola Nosengo, Mizuki Tsujimura, Cara Hoffman, Mat Johnson, Rebecca Mix, Sue Lynn Tan, Catriona Ward, Camilla Bruce, Tim Lebbon, C.L. Polk, Sara Shepard, Kenneth Oppel, Philip Pullman, Kate Elliott, Dave Hutchinson, Jack McDevitt, Charles Vess, Michael Moorcock, Derek Künsken, and editors Donna Scott, Seán O’Connor, Shingai Njeri Kagunda, Yvette Lisa Ndlovu, H.D. Hunter, & LP Kindred.

Table of Contents: 

January 2023 • Issue 744 • Vol. 90 • No. 1 
55th Year of Publication • 30-Time Hugo Winner 
Cover and interview art and design by Francesca Myman 

INTERVIEWS Annalee Newitz: Terraforming / 10 
Alex Jennings: City Melody / 32 

Greg Bear (1951- 2022) • Appreciations from Astrid Anderson Bear, Richard Curtis, Beth Meacham, David Brin, Neal Stephenson, Steven Barnes, and Nisi Shawl • Big Five Stays Five • Kindle Cancels Magazines • HarperCollins Strike Update

Tor AI Controversy • 2022 #BlackSpecFic Report • Clarion West Seeks New Home • USA Today List on Hiatus • Pynchon Papers • World Conventions News • Clarion Applications Open • Future SF Hiatus • Amazon News • Beneath Ceaseless Skies Hugo Recusal • Dragon Awards Category Changes • Salam Award Writers Workshop • Analog Award for Emerging Black Voices • Prometheus Hall of Fame Finalists • This Is Horror Nominees • Publishing News • Workshop News • NPR’s Best Books of 2022 • Washington Post’s Best SFF • Audible Best SF Audiobooks • The Guardian’s Best SF/F • The New York Times Best Books • New York Public Library Best Books • Goodreads Choice Awards • AudioFile’s Best Audiobooks • Esquire’s Best Horror of 2022 • Awards News • Financial News • International Rights • Audio Rights

Notes on milestones, awards, books sold, etc., with news this issue about Robin McKinleyRuoxi ChenJames Patterson & Michael CrichtonBrandon SandersonDiana M. Pho, and many others

Commentary: Cory Doctorow: Social Quitting / 29 Spotlight on adrienne maree brown / 31 Spotlight on the Portolan Project / 34 Italian Speculative Fiction in Translation by Rachel S. Cordasco / 35 

Magazines Received: November / 36 Books Received: November / 38 Bestsellers / 50 New & Notable / 51 

OTHER OBITUARIES / 61 Anne Harris • Marcus Sedgwick 

Happy New Year • Crowdfunding • Greg Bear • This Issue/Next Issue


Short Fiction Reviews by Karen Burnham / 13 
Omenana 7/22; Analog 11-12/22; Clarkesworld 11/22; The Sunday Morning Transport 10/16 & 11/20/22; Slate Future Tense 9/24/22; New Edge Sword and Sorcery Fall ’22.

Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur / 14 
Worlds of Possibility 10/22; Baffling 10/22; Cast of Wonders 10/14/22, 10/23/22, 10/29/22, 10/31/22; Samovar 10/24/22; Strange Horizons 10/17/22, 10/31/22, 11/7/22; Drabblecast 11/22 ; Amazon: Into Shadow 11/22; Diabolical Plots 11/22; Beneath Ceaseless Skies 11/3/22, 11/17/22; Flash Fiction Online 11/22; Fantasy 11/22; Lightspeed 11/22; GigaNotoSaurus 11/22; Reckoning: Our Beautiful Reward 11/22.

Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe / 16 
The Terraformers, Annalee Newitz; The Red Scholar’s Wake, Aliette de Bodard; The Scarlet Circus, Jane Yolen; Ray Bradbury: Novels & Story Cycles, Ray Bradbury; Ray Bradbury: The Illustrated Man, The October Country, Other Stories, Ray Bradbury.

Reviews by Alex Brown / 18
Voodoonauts Presents: (Re)Living Mythology, Shingai Njeri Kagunda, Yvette Lisa Ndlovu, H.D. Hunter, & LP Kindred, eds.; Tread of Angels, Rebecca Roanhorse.

Reviews by Alexandra Pierce / 19 
The Measure, Nikki Erlick; Best of British Science Fiction 2021, Donna Scott, ed.

Reviews by Ian Mond / 20 
How to Sell a Haunted House, Grady Hendrix; Concerning Those Who Have Fallen Asleep: Ghost Stories, Adam Soto.

Reviews by Caren Gussoff Sumption / 21
Tales from a Robotic World: How Intelligent Machines Will Shape Our Future, Dario Floreano & Nicola Nosengo; Lonely Castle in the Mirror, Mizuki Tsujimura; RUIN, Cara Hoffman.

Reviews by Maya C. James / 22 
Invisible Things, Mat Johnson; The Ones We Burn, Rebecca Mix; Revelations: Horror Writers for Climate Action. Seán O’Connor, ed.; Heart of the Sun Warrior, Sue Lynn Tan.

Reviews by Gabino Iglesias / 24
Little Eve, Catriona Ward; The Witch in the Well, Camilla Bruce; All Nightmare Long, Tim Lebbon.

Reviews by Colleen Mondor / 25
Even Though I Knew the End, C.L. Polk; Wait for Me, Sara Shepard; Ghostlight, Kenneth Oppel; The Collectors, Philip Pullman.

Reviews by Divers Hands: Liz Bourke, Paul Kincaid, Russell Letson, Archita Mittra, Christopher Rowe, Wole Talabi / 26 
The Keeper’s Six, Kate Elliott; Cold Water, Dave Hutchinson; Return to Glory, Jack McDevitt; The Queen of Summer’s Twilight, Charles Vess; The Citadel of Forgotten Myths, Michael Moorcock; Flight from the Ages and Other Stories, Derek Künsken.

Terry Bisson: This Month in History / 13, 15, 19, 21

Magazines reviews in this issue (indicating reviewer)—

Omenana 7/22  (Karen Burnham)
Analog 11-12/22  (Karen Burnham)
Clarkesworld 11/22  (Karen Burnham)
The Sunday Morning Transport 10/16 & 11/20/22  (Karen Burnham)
Slate Future Tense 9/24/22  (Karen Burnham)
New Edge Sword and Sorcery Fall ’22  (Karen Burnham)
Worlds of Possibility 10/22  (Charles Payseur)
Baffling 10/22  (Charles Payseur)
Cast of Wonders 10/14/22, 10/23/22, 10/29/22, 10/31/22  (Charles Payseur)
Samovar 10/24/22  (Charles Payseur)
Strange Horizons 10/17/22, 10/31/22, 11/7/22  (Charles Payseur)
Drabblecast 11/22   (Charles Payseur)
Amazon: Into Shadow 11/22  (Charles Payseur)
Diabolical Plots 11/22  (Charles Payseur)
Beneath Ceaseless Skies 11/3/22, 11/17/22  (Charles Payseur)
Flash Fiction Online 11/22  (Charles Payseur)
Fantasy 11/22  (Charles Payseur)
Lightspeed 11/22  (Charles Payseur)
GigaNotoSaurus 11/22  (Charles Payseur)
Reckoning: Our Beautiful Reward 11/22  (Charles Payseur)

Books reviews in this issue (indicating reviewer)—

Bradbury, Ray • Ray Bradbury: Novels & Story Cycles (Gary K. Wolfe)
Bradbury, Ray • Ray Bradbury: The Illustrated Man, The October Country, Other Stories (Gary K. Wolfe)
Bruce, Camilla • The Witch in the Well (Gabino Iglesias)
de Bodard, Aliette • The Red Scholar's Wake (Gary K. Wolfe)
Elliott, Kate • The Keeper's Six (Liz Bourke)
Erlick, Nikki • The Measure (Alexandra Pierce)
Floreano, Dario, & Nicola Nosengo • Tales from a Robotic World: How Intelligent Machines Will Shape Our Future (Caren Gussoff Sumption)
Hendrix, Grady • How to Sell a Haunted House (Ian Mond)
Hoffman, Cara • RUIN (Caren Gussoff Sumption)
Hutchinson, Dave • Cold Water (Paul Kincaid)
Johnson, Mat • Invisible Things (Maya C. James)
Kagunda, Shingai Njeri, & Yvette Lisa Ndlovu, eds. • Voodoonauts Presents: (Re)Living Mythology (Alex Brown)
Künsken, Derek • Flight From the Ages and Other Stories (Wole Talabi)
Lebbon, Tim • All Nightmare Long (Gabino Iglesias)
McDevitt, Jack • Return to Glory (Russell Letson)
Mix, Rebecca • The Ones We Burn (Maya C. James)
Moorcock, Michael • The Citadel of Forgotten Myths (Christopher Rowe)
Newitz, Annalee • The Terraformers (Gary K. Wolfe)
O'Connor, Seán, ed. • Revelations: Horror Writers for Climate Action (Maya C. James)
Oppel, Kenneth • Ghostlight (Colleen Mondor)
Polk, C. L. • Even Though I Knew the End (Colleen Mondor)
Pullman, Philip • The Collectors (Colleen Mondor)
Roanhorse, Rebecca • Tread of Angels (Alex Brown)
Scott, Donna • Best of British Science Fiction 2021 (Alexandra Pierce)
Shepard, Sara • Wait for Me (Colleen Mondor)
Soto, Adam • Concerning Those Who Have Fallen Asleep: Ghost Stories (Ian Mond)
Tan, Sue Lynn • Heart of the Sun Warrior (Maya C. James)
Tsujimura, Mizuki • Lonely Castle in the Mirror (Caren Gussoff Sumption)
Vess, Charles • The Queen of Summer's Twilight (Archita Mittra)
Ward, Catriona • Little Eve (Gabino Iglesias)
Yolen, Jane • The Scarlet Circus (Gary K. Wolfe)