Buy December 2011



In this issue: 

The December issue has interviews with Charles Stross and Gemma Files, complete lists of forthcoming books through September 2012, reviews of new books by Alastair ReynoldsGregory MaguireIan R MacLeodLibba BrayKim Harrison, and many others, plus all the latest SF and fantasy news.


Table of Contents: 

December 2011 • Issue 611 • Vol. 67 No. 6
44th Year of Publication • 29-Time Hugo Winner
Cover and Interview Design by Francesca Myman

I N T E R V I E W S 

Charles Stross: Contrarian  / 6
Gemma Files: The Sex and Death Show / 76

2 0 1 1   W O R L D   F A N T A S Y   C O N V E N T I O N / 5

World Fantasy Awards Winners • World Fantasy Convention 2011

P E O P L E   &   P U B L I S H I N G / 8

Notes on milestones, awards, books sold, etc., with news this issue about Suzette Haden ElginKit ReedBrian HerbertPhilip José FarmerCaitlín R. Kiernan, and many others

M A I N    S T O R I E S / 10

Adams Buys Lightspeed and Fantasy • Priest Wins Endeavour • Amazon’s Best of 2011 •  Realms of Fantasy Closes (Again) •  PW’s Best of 2011

T H E    D A T A    F I L E / 11

Strange Chemistry to Launch • Cheetham’s Head of Zeus • BFS Meeting Called • Neil Gaiman Presents • Kindle Lending Library • Parallel Imports in the Antipodes • Penguin (Self) Publishing •  Kirkus Best of 2011 • Publishing News • Legal News • Announcements • Bookstore News • Stoker Awards Changes • Awards News • Nickels and Dimes from Borders • Book News • Magazine News • Financial News • International Rights • Audiobooks Received • Publications Received

F O R T H C O M I N G    B O O K S

US Forthcoming Books / 30    British Forthcoming Books / 46


Magazines Received: October / 52    Books Received: October / 53    
British Books Received: September / 64    Bestsellers / 66

O B I T U A R I E S / 74

Sara Douglass •  Les Daniels •  Victor Farkas

E D I T O R I A L    M A T T E R S / 75

World Fantasy Convention • Holiday Special • This Year/Next Year • This Issue/Next Issue

L O C U S    L E T T E R S / 74

Stephen Jones • Rob Latham


L O C U S    L O O K S    A T    B O O K S

Gardnerspace: Short Fiction Column by Gardner Dozois / 14

Postscripts 24/25: The New and Perfect Man, Peter Crowther & Nick Gevers, eds.; Solaris Rising: The New Solaris Book of Science Fiction, Ian Whates, ed.; Technology Review: Science Fiction, Stephen Cass, ed.; Gravity Dreams, Stephen Baxter. 

Short Fiction Reviews by Richard Horton / 15

F&SF 11-12/11; Asimov’s 12/11; Albedo One #40; Technology Review: Science Fiction, Stephen Cass, ed.; Tin House #49; Steampunk!, Kelly Link & Gavin J. Grant, eds.; Fables from the Fountain, Ian Whates, ed.; Further Conflicts, Ian Whates, ed.; After the Apocalypse, Maureen F. McHugh.

Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe / 17

Blue Remembered Earth, Alastair Reynolds; In the Mouth of the Whale, Paul McAuley; The Ballad of Ballard and Sandrine, Peter Straub.

Reviews by Faren Miller / 18

Out of Oz, Gregory Maguire; Wake Up and Dream, Ian R. MacLeod; Briarpatch, Tim Pratt; SHORT TAKES: The Alloy of Law, Brandon Sanderson; When the Saints, Dave Duncan. 

Reviews by Russll Letson / 21

Wake Up and Dream, Ian R. MacLeod; The Recollection, Gareth L. Powell; Firebird, Jack McDevitt.

Reviews by Adrienne Martini / 23

Beauty Queen, Libba Bray; Aloha From Hell, Richard Kadrey; Hellbent, Cherie Priest; Briarpatch, Tim Pratt. 

Reviews by Carolyn Cushman / 25

Debris, Jo Anderton; Fate’s Edge, Ilona Andrews; Drink, Slay, Love, Sarah Beth Durst; The Doomsday Vault, Steven Harper; The Hollows Insider, Kim Harrison; Fire Works in the Hamptons, Celia Jerome; Mastiff, Tamora Pierce; Cast in Ruin, Michelle Sagara.

Reviews by Divers Hands: Stefan Dziemianowicz, Gwenda Bond, Richard A. Lupoff & Tim Pratt / 28

Mrs Midnight and Other Stories, Reggie Oliver; The Shattering, Karen Healey; The Freedom Maze, Delia Sherman; Ancient Rockets: Treasures and Trainwrecks of the Silent Screen, Kage Baker; House of Fear, Jonathan Oliver, ed.

Yesterday's Tomorrows: Graham Sleight / 29

The Doors of His Face, The Lamps of His Mouth, and Other Stories, Roger Zelazny; Lord of Light, Roger Zelazny; The Chronicles of Amber, Roger Zelazny.

Terry Bisson: This Month in History / 15, 17, 19, 23


Magazine Issues reviewed in this issue (indicating reviewer) — 

Albedo One #40 2011 (Rich Horton)  
Asimov's December 2011 (Rich Horton)  
F&SF Nov/Dec 2011 (Rich Horton)  
Tin House Fall 2011 (Rich Horton)  

Books reviewed in this issue, listed by author (indicating reviewer) — 

Anderton, Jo • Debris  (Carolyn Cushman)  
Andrews, Ilona • Fate's Edge  (Carolyn Cushman)  
Baker, Kage • Ancient Rockets: Treasures and Trainwrecks of the Silent Screen  (Richard A. Lupoff)  
Baxter, Stephen • Gravity Dreams  (Gardner Dozois)  
Bray, Libba • Beauty Queen  (Adrienne Martini)  
Cass, Stephen, ed. • Technology Review: Science Fiction  (Gardner Dozois)  
Cass, Stephen, ed. • Technology Review: Science Fiction  (Rich Horton)  
Crowther, Peter, & Nick Gevers, eds. • Postscripts 24/25: The New and Perfect Man  (Gardner Dozois)  
Duncan, Dave • When the Saints  (Faren Miller)  
Durst, Sarah Beth • Drink, Slay, Love  (Carolyn Cushman)  
Harper, Steven • The Doomsday Vault  (Carolyn Cushman)  
Harrison, Kim • The Hollows Insider  (Carolyn Cushman)  
Healey, Karen • The Shattering  (Gwenda Bond)  
Jerome, Celia • Fire Works in the Hamptons  (Carolyn Cushman)  
Kadrey, Richard • Aloha from Hell  (Adrienne Martini)  
Link, Kelly, & Gavin J. Grant, eds. • Steampunk!: An Anthology of Fantastically Rich and Strange Stories  (Rich Horton)  
MacLeod, Ian R. • Wake Up and Dream  (Faren Miller)  
MacLeod, Ian R. • Wake Up and Dream  (Russell Letson)  
Maguire, Gregory • Out of Oz  (Faren Miller)  
McAuley, Paul • In the Mouth of the Whale  (Gary K. Wolfe)  
McDevitt, Jack • Firebird  (Russell Letson)  
McHugh, Maureen F. • After the Apocalypse  (Rich Horton)  
Oliver, Jonathan, ed. • House of Fear  (Tim Pratt)  
Oliver, Reggie • Mrs Midnight and Other Stories  (Stefan Dziemianowicz)  
Pierce, Tamora • Mastiff  (Carolyn Cushman)  
Powell, Gareth L. • The Recollection  (Russell Letson)  
Pratt, Tim • Briarpatch  (Adrienne Martini)  
Pratt, Tim • Briarpatch  (Faren Miller)  
Priest, Cherie • Hellbent  (Adrienne Martini)  
Reynolds, Alastair • Blue Remembered Earth  (Gary K. Wolfe)  
Sagara, Michelle • Cast in Ruin  (Carolyn Cushman)  
Sanderson, Brandon • The Alloy of Law  (Faren Miller)  
Sherman, Delia • The Freedom Maze  (Gwenda Bond)  
Straub, Peter • The Ballad of Ballard and Sandrine  (Gary K. Wolfe)  
Whates, Ian, ed. • Fables from the Fountain  (Rich Horton)  
Whates, Ian, ed. • Further Conflicts  (Rich Horton)  
Whates, Ian, ed. • Solaris Rising: The New Solaris Book of Science Fiction (Gardner Dozois)  
Zelazny, Roger • Lord of Light  (Graham Sleight)  
Zelazny, Roger • The Chronicles of Amber  (Graham Sleight)  
Zelazny, Roger • The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth  (Graham Sleight)